Monday, May 24, 2010

Self Analysis.........

Just take at least 2 minutes off from your busy schedule for self analysis. This self analysis should not be as a professional or spouse or as a parent or as a friend. This self analysis should be as a human. Just think ---
1)how many lies you told today , how many people you hurt (emotionally or may be physically) , how many people are there in your hate list, how many times you wished for fall of others.
2) how many people you help today , how many times you controlled your anger and negative emotions towards yourself and others, how many times you wished for success and happiness for others.
Analyze these points and try to reduce point 1 qualities and increase point 2 qualities, next moment onwards. And when you have removed all negativity from your mind for self and others and developed love and compassion for all living being , then imagine how wonderful your life would be.
Like this we can lead our journey of life happily and peacefully.

1 comment:

  1. You know, I think these very basic things should be taught at school. All people should know about this and all people should have the opportunity to explore themselves and to change their self into what they want.

    Why there is such a lack of interest into studying ourselves?
