Monday, July 4, 2011

How to strenghten Dharma Practise

When a seed is sown ,it takes some time to bear flowers and fruits. Just we have to provide favorable conditions( proper water , sunlight etc.) for that seed to grow.
Similar is Dharma practice also. when one starts doing it, immediately nobody(neither the practitioner nor others) can see any change or transformation but we should not get disappointed and should continue our practice with more diligence and gradually we will notice some changes. Now we can understand the situations more clearly; how situations/ people propel us to lose our mindfulness and act in more afflictive way, atleast understanding of this is also a great achievement on the path of Dharma.
Once we understand this , we can reflect more on the Theory of karma and understand that whatever, good or bad , is coming in life is all because of our past actions/ speech/thoughts.
Usually we don't dig ourselves to see our mistakes, but if we can do that we will find that most of the bad situations/people we are facing, similar or almost similar bad things we have done to others in this lifetime only.
We should understand that non virtues can never give us happiness but can give only suffering , so we should pracice to be virtuous all the time.
When we live with this attitude ,we can see that even similar bad situations are no longer causing us suffering , because now we have proper understanding. And we can observe that the seed of Dharma is growing within us.